Get out of the boat!

I learned long ago, that God will keep repeating things for us until we listen and do whatever it is He wants us to do. So, I decided I better listen and start being obedient!

I cannot tell you how many times, in the last few weeks, I have heard the account of Peter walking on the water with Jesus. It finally dawned on me that God was trying to say something, so thought through the account and all the different pieces. You can read through it here.

Often times we focus on the ending, when Peter is sinking and Jesus calls him out regarding his lack of faith, but this week I knew God was trying to talk to me about something else. I put myself in Peter’s sandals, and here is what came to mind…

First, I would kick off my sandals, because I don’t like squishy wet shoes!

Second, I would actually have to GET OUT OF THE BOAT! I couldn’t just sit there waving at Jesus and say, “Yes, yes, I am following you. Wherever You want to go, I will go, but I would really rather just stay here in the safety of the boat. Thanks anyway though.” As you can see, this attitude just doesn’t work and this is what God was communicating to me.

Selling my art is scary and exciting at the same time. I am so afraid of failure, I have been sitting in the boat. “Yes, Lord thank you for this gift you gave me, but I will just use it over here. Yes, Jesus, anything for you, as long as I don’t have to step out of my comfort zone. Yes, God, do a miracle through me, but just while I am over here… not over there.”

Faith doesn’t have a chance at working until we put both feet in the water and get away from the safety of the boat.

So, I did it! I stepped in with both feet. Want to see what faith looks like this week?



Yep, that is a printer. Look how big she is! I left my coffee cup there just to give you an idea of the size.

Anyway, I have been saying, I was putting off buying it because I didn’t want to spend the money. In reality, I wasn’t sure how committed I was to making and selling my art. For me, making a big purchase, like a printer, is putting both feet in the water! I have to get real about this business now. I have to pay for that printer!

Along with ordering my printer, I also did some artwork to represent what God was teaching me this week. This is a reminder, that faith doesn’t happen in the boat, I have to get my feet wet!

The great news is, Jesus will always be there waiting with open arms to walk along side us to help us and guide us.

If you want to walk with Him, you have to get out of the boat.



And one last picture because I felt so clever:

Keeping track of USB ports
Keeping track of USB ports

I have a printer and scanner now on my desk and instead of fumbling around trying to find the cords, I just put binder clips on them and clipped them to the rolling cart that sits next to my desk. {and I didn’t even get that from Pinterest! But, if you’ve seen it there, please don’t spoil it for me, ok?}


Hugs and Blessings,



So I would love to hear from you. Is God calling you to do something for Him? Are you sitting in the boat or walking with Jesus?


6 Responses

  1. sammysgrammy

    Great post, Lynette. I think I’ll put it on the chat thread too. Yes – it’s very scary to throw your leg over the side of the boat and stand on that water – just trusting in Jesus who established the law of gravity after all.

  2. AnnMarie

    Hi! Thank you so much for visiting my blog because I got a chance to visit your new site and I LOVE it! What a great post and your art is incredible! The Lord has been speaking to me to ACT on putting others first or just plain doing for them….it is hard but so much blessing when you do it! Following you via email!


      Thank you for stopping in AnnMarie, and for following! Putting others first is difficult for me too, sometimes that selfish human just wants to come out. I pray God will help you see and know those blessings.

  3. Hannah

    Thanks Lynette!

  4. Shannon

    Congratulations on this big step! I am so impressed with the printer – we just have a normal fax/printer/copier and I can only make it copy and print, but if we run out of ink I’m completely helpless. (!) God’s been teaching us to walk on water with Him a lot over the past few years and I love reading about others stepping out, too!

  5. Judy

    Hi Lynette – great blog post — found your blog from the castteam blog blitz. Are you new to the castteam? I’m glad you posted in the blitz thread. Love your art — maybe you would be interested in the brand new team created by another cast blogger – She posted in the blitz thread too but here’s the link with the info about her new team.