
posted in: Life 12


How are you? What do you think of my new place?

This journey I am walking with Jesus just keeps surprising me. Last week, I was thinking “I don’t need a website. I have Etsy. I have my blog. I have a Facebook page. That’s enough.” And then this week, I have spent 4 solid days {and nights} putting this site together. I’m glad He knows what He’s doing, because this has been an experience!

Anyway, this is my new address. Moving blogs is like moving houses. You look at all the stuff you have around you and ask…

Do I like that?

Do I want to move that?

Ugh, just get rid of that!


Oh! I forgot all about that!

So, as I continue to move, you may start to notice some familiar items that made their way over and much of it will be brand new. I need grace though, as I am still in the process of unpacking and setting up here. Please feel free to mention if you notice anything funky or not quite right. {I will try to fix it.}

I know many of you liked the banner from the old blog and I have tried to get that up here, but it is not cooperating! I will keep working and see what I can do.

Eventually, there will {might} be a store here. So you can buy directly from me instead of Etsy. I’m still praying about that and I honestly just don’t have the brain power to fight with another page in getting it set up. And I think it will be a tough one to do. So, when the timing is right, God will let me know.

I hope you stick around and check in with me. I have some new and exciting ideas to go with my new exciting address!




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12 Responses

  1. Denise Tucker

    Congratulations!!! Let your talent shine!!!!!

    • lbcretu@yahoo.com

      Thank you Denise!

    • lbcretu@yahoo.com

      Thanks for stopping in Denise. I’m glad you were here.

  2. sammysgrammy

    welcome to the neighborhood

  3. Elisabeth

    I know what you mean. I would love to have a website. It was too much work when I tried it before.

  4. Helenann

    Congrats on your move! Will be watching for and looking forward to all the unpacking you do!
    Excited to see how this all evolves and is blessed by our Lord and Savior! Praise God! Let the blessings abound!

    • lbcretu@yahoo.com

      I’m glad you were here.

  5. Brad

    Great, keep following, he will not let you down! Looks very nice!

    • lbcretu@yahoo.com

      Thank you! I’m glad you stopped in! Thanks for your support!

  6. AnnMarie

    You can only be blessed more and more as you wait on Him and follow! Congratulations on your first steps.

    • lbcretu@yahoo.com

      Thank you AnnMarie. I’m so glad you stopped in and said “hi.”

  7. kristen

    I love it.. Awesome job. just saw this today.