No More Numbing

posted in: Life, Uncategorized 4

A dear friend recently introduced me to a beautiful and inspiring woman named Lara Casey. I don’t mean literally introduced, but more accurately, told me about. After reading through her website and now her actual book, I can honestly say this woman is amazing! She is inspiring, encouraging, a true light in this world! Recently, I have encouraged anyone who will listen, to buy her book! Her story is amazing and she has made it her life mission to live on purpose and inspire others to do the same.

I also happen to be in the middle of a Bible study by Priscilla Shirer called Discerning the Voice of God. I can’t tell you how these two books connect, but it is definitely a God-thing that I am reading these books simultaneously.

They are both interactive books, meaning, you don’t just read them. You answer questions, think about things and at times, you dig deep! There isn’t a lot of book work, but it is a lot of heart work.

God has really been speaking to me about “numbing”. He impressed this on my heart last week. I will do my best to explain what He revealed to me.

Have you ever spent hours staring at your computer, maybe doing work, playing games or scouring social media and when you get up, you are in a zombie-like fog? The world almost seems unreal or fuzzy? Sometimes this happens when I spend too much time editing artwork in PhotoShop, it takes me a good amount of time to come out of that editing world and re-join the living. I feel spacey, out of touch, numb. It is so easy to get caught up in that “world” and not realize how much time has passed. While working is good, there are other times I do it too. When I am avoiding housework, or a conversation with my husband, or even if I’m tired and I just don’t feel like playing with my kids. I realized I often turn to social media, email or blogs when I am avoiding something or someone. God impressed on my heart that turning to these things to numb what I am feeling rather than healing, is the same as an alcoholic turning to a drink rather than facing reality. Whoa! Was I convicted!

We are so fortunate to have the technology to stay in touch with friends and family, but how often does that blessing turn into a curse?

Since God impressed this idea on my heart, I have found myself turning to social media to get the recognition, validation or encouragement I am craving. The sad thing is, many of people who follow me on social media don’t know me. They are strangers and honestly, they are probably people I will never meet. I am spending my time seeking attention from strangers while my family is in front of me longing for my love and affection.

So, at the same time God and I are working on me, not numbing, I read this in Lara’s book: “In thinking that the Internet is our lifeline to the world, we risk missing the real opportunities to live on purpose around us.”

Yep, more conviction!

But I also learned that when God convicts us of something, he also gives us a way out. Lara’s book is full of great ideas to break the vicious cycle of numbing (my term, not hers).

I really want to get intentional about not being on my electronics while there are living, breathing, amazing people in front of me. I don’t want to miss a moment with my husband or my kids. I don’t want to teach my kids that electronics are more important than people.

I set rules for myself:

  1. Put the phone (tablet) away while there are living breathing people around
  2. Before checking my email, Facebook, Instagram, messages… HALT…I check my motive- am I Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired? Is there something that would be a better response to how I am feeling?
  3. I set “business” hours for myself to take care of work. Once my husband and kids are home, it is all about family time.


I know I am a work in progress. I will need to give myself grace as I change my habits. But, I know I am gaining so much more by giving up this unhealthy choice.






What do you think? Am I alone in this bad habit?






4 Responses

  1. ThehealthymebeckyG

    you are not alone! Looking truthfully, I do a lot of numbing to avoid certain things! You listed them all. I like your three steps! I plan to work on this as well.
    Thanks for the insightful words and thoughts!

    • Lynnette Cretu

      Glad to know I’m not alone! Our people are so worth our undivided attention!

  2. Josona

    I find myself struggling with this as well! Very well said and I’ve added the book to my reading list, thanks! 😊

    • Lynnette Cretu

      I think it is so easy to get caught up, without even realizing it! Let me know how you like the book Josona.