How to Cure Snarky Teens

Snarky snahr-kee -adjective

1. testy or irritable; short

2. having a rudely critical tone or manner: snarky humor


My kids are getting to that age! The attitudes are coming out. Its not toddler-little-kid-independence, we’re talking pre-teen-almost-a-big-kid ATTITUDES!


Although… maybe this snarkiness is not limitedĀ to teens.


Yes, I will admit, even I can get a little {ok, a lot} irritableĀ at times. I focus on all the things that bug me and I get short. I use a critical tone and say things I shouldn’t.

Am I alone here?


Well, I have a cure!

One of my kids favorite words is “whatever” {said with lots of contempt}.

A friend of mine is in a similar situation and she requested an art piece to help her when her daughter starts down that road of snottiness. {It also stops mom from following that same rotten path}.

I am happy to announce, this brand new print, is available in two colors.


whatever is lovely
Whatever is Lovely- purple, pink, teal and yellow mixed media art print.


whatever is noble
Whatever is Noble- blue, green, teal and yellow mixed media art print.


How does this help?

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. -2 Timothy 3:16 NLT

It is so easy to focus on the things that irritate us. This slippery slope makes every situation worse. We get so caught up in the negativity, we have more trouble seeing the good. It takes a conscious effort to look for and see the positive things. But, this is what God teaches us. We MUST focus on the good things. We must go out of our way to find those true, right praiseworthy things. We must keep thinking about these things and get our thinking {and speaking} back on track with God’s word and values.

When we do this in our home, it works!

When we are having a tough time with a friend, we look for and talk about all the good things that friend does, or the noble qualities that brought us to friendship in the first place. When we have a bad day, we look back and find all of the excellent or praiseworthy things that happened as well. We focus our attention on those, rather than the bad. Our moods, words and lives change through this intentional thinking.

You can do this too! You can change the mood of your home and bring more peace. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?

Choose the print that you like most {Whatever is Lovely or Whatever is Noble} and hang it in your child’s room or in one of your main rooms and direct your attention to better things.


What about you? What tactics do you use to tame that attitude in your home?

Please leave a comment and share your ideas.


Hugs and Abundant Blessings,
