Cozy Christmas Wishlist

posted in: Life, Peaceful Life 0

Several years ago, I barely made it through Christmas. I had been feeling “off” for a long time, but I kept going. I had two young kids to keep up with! I didn’t have time to be sick or to slow down. I can remember walking with my husband along the beach in August of that year, and I said to him “something is wrong.” We both agreed it was time to see a doctor.

Many tests later, my doctor told me everything was fine. All of my tests came back normal. In my mind I knew something wasn’t right but, I kept up with my normal activities of caring for my family, the house and trying to start a business. I felt awful, but most days I ignored it and pushed through… my family needed me. The story is a long one, but by January I could barely get out of bed. I would set the alarm in the morning, get my kids off to school, go back to bed, set another alarm for when I needed to get them from the bus stop, do all the evening activities and go to bed at the same time they did.

I will write more of this story in another post, but what I learned from that time is that our bodies are not machines. We are not meant to run constantly. I had ignored the warning lights for too long and although my goal was to be there and help my family, I ran myself to the point I could no longer function… I was not helping anyone!

The good news is that I did recover and have learned the importance of self-care. It is not selfish to take care of yourself, it is a non-negotiable!

In order to take care of ourselves, we need to be intentional. We need to make it a priority and make sure we have the tools to do that. My goal for this winter is to make the house, my family and friends feel more cozy. I want us to learn to slow down when we can and really take care of one another. I want to surround us with that feeling of love and warmth as we head into the long winter season.

Going along with that goal, I thought I would share what is on my personal wishlist this year.


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Faux Fur Blanket we have several blankets that are similar to this one. They are a family favorite!

Star Necklace I realize this doesn’t scream cozy, but I just love the simple sweetness of it. And I always have jewelry on my wishlist!

Floral Pajama Pants You can never have too many pajama pants, and I am a floral junkie! I think florals in the winter are a must… when its cold and bare outside, these cute flowers will brighten the day.

Sherpa Fleece Jacket This jacket looks like a big warm blanket and it’s pretty cute too!

Blanket Scarf I can’t think of a better way to warm up the fleece jacket, than a blanket scarf. I love the contrast in textures!

Bobs Slippers I get a new pair of Bobs Slippers every other year. This will be my 3rd pair. I love that they are warm and cozy while also being surprisingly supportive. My back thanks me for wearing these!

C.C. Blue Knit Scarf This one doesn’t match the jacket, but I love everything about this scarf. The color is cheery, the knit is super cozy and I often wear scarfs like this in the house. While working at the computer I tend to get a little chilly and scarfs warm me right up!

Edison Lantern Wax Warmer I know there are mixed feelings about wax warmers, but I love the soft light they give off. This one would look amazing in my studio.

Stress Relief Tea Nothing says cozy like a cup of hot tea. The stress-relief blends work surprisingly well at the end of a tough day (or at a stressful hockey game). I haven’t tried this flavor yet, but it looks amazing!

Mugs Of course, you need something special to go with the wonderful tea. There is something so comforting about handmade items that creates connection to others. These mugs are so unique and would certainly add to the comfort and coziness of winter.

Slipper Socks I love the Bobs slippers for cooking, cleaning, working, being up and about… but once I am tucked into my favorite chair, I like to switch to something without a hard sole. These slipper socks look perfect for reading, sipping your tea or visiting with loved ones.

Disclosure: Some of the above links are affiliate links, meaning, with no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase I will receive a small commission to help run this blog and support my family.

If you are anything like me, we tend to put everyone else ahead of ourselves. But remember, you set the tone for your home. If you don’t feel good, happy, peaceful, no one else will either. You must take care of yourself in order to successfully take care of your loved ones. Self-care is not selfish… it is the best way to take care of your family!


peace in life


Does this list inspire you? So what is on your wishlist this year? Leave a comment and share your ideas with us!