ATTENTION: Fellow Aliens

posted in: Life 11

aliensPsst… You… Yes, you! I said aliens. Fellow aliens to be exact. I am one. You are one. What? You want proof?


Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. – 1 Peter 2:11

Jesus himself said,

“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. “If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. – John 15:18-19


“They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. -John 17:16


There are five scriptures that use the word alien in the Bible. Normally, when we use the word alien, we think of a green funny looking guy that drives a UFO. But that is not what Jesus has in mind. According to the Pulpit commentary, “the word here rendered “strangers” (πάροικοι) is equivalent to the classical μέτοικοι, and means “foreign set-tiers, dwellers in a strange land.” The second word (παρεοίδημοι, translated “strangers” in 1 Peter 1.) means “visitors” who tarry for a time in a foreign country, not permanently settling in it.”

That’s us! As Christians, we are supposed to be living in this world, not becoming part of it. We were talking about this the other day at Bible Study and someone said, “I have never felt like I fit in. I have always felt a little ‘off’ from everyone else. And then God showed me this scripture. We are not supposed to fit in.”

This got me thinking, how many times have I prayed, “God just help me fit in. Help me find my place in this group.” The prayer itself was good, it’s just that I was praying to fit into the wrong group of people. I should have been looking for other aliens!

I love being with my friends who are Christian, I feel more comfortable and able to truly be myself without fear of judgment. They love me for the funny little alien I am. We are all doing our best to survive in this foreign land before going home.

I found comfort this week, knowing that it’s ok when I feel a little out of place or someone looks at me funny because of my beliefs or faith. I’m supposed to stand out, I’m supposed to have different ideas, words and actions. This isn’t my home! And while there are times we are in the world and feel lonely, we need to remember and find comfort in knowing we are never alone. Jesus said, “Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.”(John 16:32b) It is true for you too! He is always with you. He will guide you and embrace you with His loving arms. You are never truly alone.

What do you think? Does this bring you comfort like it did for me?

11 Responses

  1. Kelly Bermudez

    What a creative and inspiring post! Love your work!!

    • Lynnette Cretu

      Thank you Kelly. God is the artist, I am the painter 🙂

  2. Gayle Grady

    Thank you Lynnette for your enlightening words. It does seem like it is hard to fit in, especially in todays world with all of the different cultures and their beliefs. I am in awe of your knowledge of the word of God! You truly are one of God’s smart and beautiful (inside and out) alien disciple. :~)

    • Lynnette Cretu

      I have never been so glad to be called an alien! Thank you Gayle. You too are one of God’s smart and beautiful (inside and out) alien disciples. You have continued to grow and seek Him above all others and I am glad to call you friend.

  3. Helenann

    Amen! Such a good point! Well said! A reminder that…. We need to listen to that still small voice that says,”This is not where you belong!” And look around with gratitude that we were chosen for something different…We are His!

    • Lynnette Cretu

      Yes! How often I look around and say, “why don’t I fit in?” I need to say, “Thank you that I don’t fit it, You have a greater plan.”

  4. Gidget

    Take me to your leader! Oh wait….someone already did. Four years ago to be exact. 🙂 Great post Lyla. I am deliriously happy not to fit in with you. Not of this world takes on an entirely different meaning today. Love it.

    • Lynnette Cretu

      LOL! Yes, our Leader 🙂 Glad to be in the same group with you Lyla!

  5. Jessica

    Great post Lynnette! I have found that being a Christian and following Christ’s example is not an easy road to travel. People look at me like I’m weird because I don’t do or say certain things or because I don’t dress the same as them. But I have found that there are advantages to being different, I have had women come up to me and tell me that they wish they grew up the way I did and to keep it up and not throw away everything I was taught.

  6. AnnMarie

    This brings great comfort and I love your use of the scriptures with alien in them. Sometimes it is hard to think this is not our home…’s because we can’t even imagine heaven. Great post!

    • Lynnette Cretu

      Thank you AnnMarie. I’m glad you could identify with me.