Making Space

posted in: Behind the art, Life 2

My son spent the weekend emptying, purging and organizing his room. As a tween, he is at a confusing stage. He has “little kid” toys mixed in with “big kid” stuff. Things that used to make him happy are now just taking up valuable space but he’s having trouble letting go of some of his old favorites.

making house home


As Spring slowly approaches, I am thinking about my own spaces. My home, my studio and even my mind. What do I need to look at? What needs purging? Am I holding on to old things that used to make me happy that I have since outgrown and need to leave behind?


Sometimes it is difficult to let go of these old things or ideas because we aren’t sure we are ready to move forward. There is a certain amount of comfort in the old stuff.


Once we finally let go of things we find the freedom we desperately wanted… that space is now available for something bigger and better.


In an article for Psychology Today, psychologist and stress-specialist Dr. Sherrie Bourg Carter, Psy.D., wrote, “Clutter can play a significant role in how we feel about our homes, our workplaces, and ourselves. Messy homes and work spaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed. Yet, rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives.” Carter noted that clutter and an inefficient use of space “bombards our minds with excessive stimuli,” making it harder to focus and get other tasks done, it reminds us of unfinished work, and makes us feel guilty and anxious.


A few years ago, I jumped on the bandwagon and read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. Her ideas were helpful and made a huge difference in the stuff in our home.


There is one idea that remained with me that I use often, especially if I am having trouble making a decision about getting rid of something. I ask myself, “how does this make me feel?” It is such a simple question that has made all the difference.


Just for fun, take a look at the art on your walls. How does it make you feel? Do you love it? Does it inspire you? Is it hopeful? Encouraging? Joyful?


I encourage you to try it! Not only when you are evaluating things in your home, but also when you are thinking about ideas or your mindset. Are you holding on to things that make you feel bad? That weigh you down? That keep you from moving forward?

Are you surrounding yourself and your family with things or ideas that inspire, encourage and motivate you, or are they just taking up valuable space?

The driving force behind my art is to create pieces that capture hope and peace. We are constantly surrounded by messages of despair and darkness, I want to be intentional about seeking light and filling my space with it! I want to be even more deliberate about the atmosphere I am creating in my home for my family.


If you are ready to make some changes in your home, I encourage you to check out my current series. If you want inside information about my art, or you want to see new pieces before anyone else, make sure to sign up here.

2 Responses

  1. kristen firman

    I love those questions.. opens up a lot in my mind. Thanks for sharing. I do need to work on some things. Love your amazing work.

    • Lynnette Cretu

      I’m so glad this spoke to you Kristen!