Overcoming Insecurity!

posted in: Free Art, Life, Scripture 6

I’m not pretty enough.

I’m not smart enough.

I’m not funny enough.

I’m not skinny enough.

I’m not….

I’m not.

I’m not!



So many of these awful sentences, thoughts, lies run through my head on a daily basis.

I read this quote today, “Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud.” -Unknown

Ugh! How true! Many of my biggest mistakes as a wife, mom, friend and daughter have stemmed from my insecurity. I think about all of the pain I have caused, the arguments, the bad choices, the sin.

Today, these condemning thoughts almost caused me to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head. But then, God grabbed my attention, and I was compelled to share His Truth with you.

Satan wants to poison our thoughts. Once he has our ear, it spills over into our mind and then to our life and finally to the lives around us.

GotQuestions.org had this to say about insecurity: “In Satan’s arsenal, one of his biggest weapons is doubt. Satan loves for us to question who we are and how we measure up to others (Ephesians 2:1-2; Ephesians 6:12; 1 Samuel 16:7). He wants us to feel insecure over the meaning and purpose of our lives, where we’re going, and how we’ll get there.”

If Satan can mess with us, it doesn’t take long to spread to everyone we come in contact with. Once he knows how to push these buttons with us, he won’t let up. He will continue to push them and create havoc around us.

But that is not the way we (Christian’s) are called to live.

The God of the Universe created us. He formed us in our mother’s womb. We were knit together by His hands. He doesn’t make mistakes. EVER.

You are not an accident!

Just in case you missed it… YOU ARE NOT AN ACCIDENT!!

Every part of you, your body, your personality, your traits are all designed by God. The Creator made you in His image. You are loved by Him! He loves you so much in fact, He sent His Son to die for you.


Hear this…

You are worthy.

You are enough.

You are precious.

You are flawless.


Those are Truth’s from God’s Word, and they are all about you! God wants you to trust Him in everything and not rely on your own understanding (or the lies Satan feeds you). He wants to heal all of those places where you are bruised and beaten by this fallen world.


There is so much more for us in this life. We are not supposed to just get by until we are called home.


We need to fight the lies that Satan is telling us. We can do this together! We are not alone!

This week, when you feel insecurity creeping in, say to out loud to yourself (and Satan), “I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and God doesn’t make mistakes!”

wonderfully made watercolor

As my gift to you, please download this screen saver to your phone. Use it as a reminder, and speak truth when Satan tries to tell you otherwise.


Hugs and Abundant Blessings,







Am I alone in this? I would love to hear your thoughts!







6 Responses

  1. Diane Collins

    Thank you Lynnette. Great words of wisdom. Everyday, I have to fight that same mindless game of accepting or denying, and then casting out the crud that wants to come into my mind. The victory of kicking the negative out and replacing it with divine thoughts, like how much God loves me no matter what, and cares for me regardless, is so refreshing. He’s always present, always there, and always in love with me. That’s amazing! He says I’m worth it. Wow! Thanks for the gift, Netter. Thanks for the gift, Jesus.

    • Lynnette Cretu

      Yes! I just read today that we can get rid of junk, but if we don’t replace it with God, the junk will just come back. Your comment blessed me! Thank you.

  2. Josona

    Insecurity struggles are ever present, especially when I compare myself to others. This is a great reminder that God chose me to be a mother and a wife and he made me perfect in His sight to accomplish the tasks set before me. Thanks for reminding me of Gods truth!

    • Lynnette Cretu

      Yep! I needed it too Josona. Keep my eyes on God and no one else! I’m so glad it blessed you too.

  3. Nancy

    Love your work!

    • Lynnette Cretu

      Thank you so much Nancy! I’m glad you are here.